Saturday, February 7, 2009

"... both Human and Divine"

Sharon Dean

Thanks for your work, “Letters to the Beloved.”

Truly you have given expressions of love from the Father’s heart to finite minds desiring to express their love for and to Him.

You have helped us to find expressions far beyond our intellectual limits and human emotions.

May these words of your work do for you what they are doing for so many others, both human and divine.

I AM In Christ

Apostle E. Edward Cambridge

"I Feel the Heartbeat of God"

Good Morning Pastor Sharon,

Just wanted you to know -

"Thank you, thank you, Thank you for Letters to the Beloved."

I am reading these letters as the Lord directs me and every time I read them, I know He is doing a NEW Thing in me. Thank you for allowing God to use you as a guiding light through my transition and beyond!

I feel the heartbeat of God.

I give Him praise and thanks at every rememberance of you!

May HIS LOVE and Blessing overtake you today and always!



Day 23 ... The "Voice of the Lord"

I wanted to let you know that I finally finished your book! I thought it was an amazing piece of wisdom literature. It is certainly obvious that you've been with the Lord.

You already know that you inspire me. Keep doing what you are doing. Regarding the book, "Day 23" spoke directly to me. One more thing, I salute you for the way you formatted the book. It seems you did not take credit for the words that the Lord gave you.

It seems you presented what "thus saith the Lord," and then your own powerful reflections, which were heavy hitters in their own right!

Many Christian authors hear directly from the throne, yet it seems in their writings they've obtained some spiritual knowledge on their own. Your book is a tribute which awakens us to hear and recognize the "voice of the lord." God really does speak to us. Thanks for being bold enough to pen this truth!

Much Love,
